Whoo Hoo! Spent the day getting the motor and linkage attached for the Mad Hatter and while it is not perfect it works.. for now! The arm is a tad on the heavy side and I am probably getting more play than what the motor was designed for, but for now it's going to stay! Just has to work for one important day and then I can make some more permanent changes! I should have bought a wood cutout plan that the plans on how to attach a motor to it already, but figured between my Grandpa and I we could get it to work and we did, finally! Would have saved a huge portion of the afternoon if I had bought said plans, but that is half the fun. I remember when I built my Flying Crank Ghost that it was not getting the full range of motion as I had seen in some videos and it was because I forgot to add an eye hook in the back to get the up and down motion, but eventually figured it out!
Excited for next week to get the Broom Stick Dog animated! Sorry for the quality of the video.. I think my cell phone looks better than my $300 camera does... haha!
I'll take more pictures of the linkage and stand, but for now I'm excited to see it move! hehe!

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